A visit to MIMET University Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) and Tanjung Serantau, Tanjung Kepah by Majlis Agama Islam dan `Adat Melayu Perak (MAIPk) management was held on 10 April 2017 for the realization of the Project Boat Waqf – Waqaf Perak Ar-Ridzuan.

The purpose of this visit was to discuss the proposed construction of fishing boats that required by fishermen in South Manjung District. Among the items discussed was the boat category, structural materials, engines, boat accessories and fishing equipment that were appropriate for  deep sea fishing.

This year, MAIPk plans to buy two boats and one of the boats will be handed over to Persatuan Nelayan Kawasan Manjung Selatan. The visit was led by Dr Amiruddin bin Muhamed, CEO MAIPk.

Lawatan ke UniKL MIMET

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Lawatan ke Tanjung Serantau, Tanjung Kepah Lekir

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A total of 100 Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) candidates from 15 schools in Hulu Perak have joined  “Jaya SPM 2017” programme which is listed under Knowledge Waqf- MUMTAZ,  Waqf Perak Ar Ridzuan (WPAR). This is the fifth programme that has been successfully implemented since WPAR launched on 7 April 2016.

The participants consisted of students who are at average in learning at school. In this programme, they were exposed to the best techniques in answering the exam questions and also being motivated to succeed in life. This programme was conducted by well experienced and excellent teachers. With the guidance provided, participants can improve their performance in learning and educating them to become a successful person in the world and hereafter.

This three days and two nights programme started from 21st  to 23th April 2017  at Kroh Inn Rest House was jointly organised by Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Melayu Perak (MAIPk) and Hulu Hulu Perak District Education Office. The closing ceremony was graced by Mr Amirudin Bin Osman, Gerik District Baitulmal Officer. Also present  Mr. Nasarudin bin Abd Rahman, Deputy Education Officer Hulu Perak along with Officers from Hulu Perak District Education Office and MAIPk.

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Ipoh, 8 April 2017 – Majlis Agama Islam dan ‘AdatMelayu Perak (MAIPk) has collaborated with Pusat Pintar Sains dan Matematik (PPSM) and Kesatuan Pelajar-Pelajar Islam Perak (KPIP) to launch a programme called  “Pintar Akademik Wakaf Ilmu Mumtaz”.

The ceremony was graced by Mr Suhaimi bin Yusof, General Manager of Mal & Waqf Management and Development, MAIPk.  Tuan Haji Abdul Rahman Najib bin Haji Mohd Noor, CEO of PPSM was also present at the event. Mr. Suhaimi, in his speech, mentioned that MAIPk has contributed RM20,000.00 as a one-off contribution to this programme, which is one of the designated programs under Waqaf Perak Ar-Ridzuan (WPAR).

The programme has already started on February 4, 2017 with 37 students attending revision classes on Saturdays and Sundays as preparation for the upcoming PT3 exam. The classes will be continued until the end of this year. The students were chosen from single-parent and unaffordable families in schools around Ipoh.

Pintar Akademik Wakaf Ilmu Mumtaz
programme has been structured as a tutoring programme to enhance student’s excellence in academic through learning programme outside school hours. It is also has become a medium to empowering teaching and learning process for both teachers and student. In addition to the academic classes, students will be exposed to a few other modules such as Solat Dhuha, Educational Seminars, and Motivational Programs to boost their self-identity.

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Batu Kurau, March 23, 2017 (Thursday) – General Manager of Mal & Waqf Management and Development MAIPk, Mr.Suhaimi bin Yusoff graced the “Baca – Tulis – Quran (BTQ)” Muallaf Programme Closing Ceremony which was held at Pusat Motivasi Mawaddah, Batu Kurau. This BTQ programme was conducted using Abahata Al Jabari technique.

A total of 40 participants including students and adults of asnaf muallaf from Taiping, Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Ipoh and Manjung were participated in the four day and three night programme from 20 – 23 March 2017. This is third programme that has been successfully implemented since Waqf Perak Ar-Ridzuan launched on 7 April 2016 under  Waqf for Quranic Knowledge and Development.

This pioneer programme were jointly organised between Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat 'Melayu Perak (MAIPk), Institut Pegajian Al-Quran (IPAQ) and Jabatan Agama Islam Perak (JAIPK).

At the beginning, some of the participants were illiterate in Quran recitement but after attending 30 hours of Abahata’s classes using effective learning technique and monitored by expert Quran teachers, they have improved their knowledge and skills. Results shown by the participants will be a trigger for them to continue to strive harder in studying the Quran.

Waqf for Quranic Knowledge and Development is an initiative of MAIPk to spread the knowledge of the Quranic in the life of Islam community through teaching, learning, understanding, appreciation and application of Quranic Knowledge regardless of age and life standards. MAIPk calling all Muslims to voluntarily contribute to the waqf fund for the lasting and enduring benefit.

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Dated: 19th until 22th December 2016

Program Read-Write-Quran (BTQ) Orang Asli Perak using technique Abahata Al-Jabari in Felda Residence Trolak, Sungkai was attended by 40 people Orang Asli from three districts which are Batang Padang, Mualim and Hilir Perak.

This program are cooperation between Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Melayu Perak (MAIPk), Institute of Al-Quran (IPAQ), Perak Islamic Religious Department (JAIPK) and Quranic Research Centre of Universiti Malaya (UM CQR).

The  candidates are taught using the Technique Abahata Al-Jabari. This technique  were easy and faster to learn the quran. Some of candidates on initially are illiterate the quran and after taught by professional teacher they can learn, write the quran. All candidates give the positive impression to love the quran after joined this program.

The closing ceremony of Program Read-Write-Quran (BTQ) Orang Asli Perak was done by General Manager of Development and Management Waqf and Mal MAIPk, Suhaimi bin Yusoff.